WebSeries Branding/Sales/Revenues – ‘Live’ at: Take Action! A Kick-Ass WebSeries Workshop with The Bannen Way’s Mark Gantt

It is a fitting culmination of the MoM[S] 5-Part series, The 19 Revenue Sources for WebContent Creators, that it be brought into the very community which it addresses…and shared ‘live’!

And what could be better still? That this would occur with the gentleman who, ironically enough, caused this Series to gain global visibility to begin with: The Bannen Way’s Mark Gantt.

As I’ve told this story before, while I knew the premise that I had for the ‘List of 19’ series was sound, I was still uncertain about posting the original Part I. I honestly did not know how it would be received.

Mark fixed all that in an instant, on, where else? Twitter. Of course. Within 20 minutes of my posting the ‘List of 19’, on a FRIDAY NIGHT no less, he had re-tweeted it throughout the galaxy. And we have never looked back.

While I originally designed & created some of my components for the ongoing course module I teach at WebTVWorkshop, being able to combine those early elements with Mark’s on The Bannen Way, really brought about an evolution of this material into an unexpected, new place.

What really evolved here was the building out of near-life ‘case studies’, for how I would actually take The Bannen Way, myself personally, to an Ad Agency, or a Client, looking to secure sponsorship, ad dollars, revenues, etc.

And it is in the lining up of those two scenarios, side-by-side…against how Mark & Jesse Warren [series Co-Creator, Director, EP] actually DID sell The Bannen Way to SONY…that the real magic happens. Defining that process allows people, for the first time [that we know of], to see how any/all of the three scenarios could play out, utilizing many of the ‘List of 19’ ideas, in multiple variations…

…which leads us to today: showing you photos/images of the collective coursework I taught ‘live’ with Mark recently, to some very talented people in the Content creator world. The following images are from the Jan 2011: Take Action! A Kick-Ass WebSeries Workshop with The Bannen Way’s Mark Gantt

~ by MindOnMediaSales on January 30, 2011.

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